
Anti-Static Nylon

This product is available for order in 25-kilogram bags or 40-kilogram rolls.

  • Used in specific industries

Anti-statics prevent the build-up of static electricity and, consequently, the attraction of dust and dirt on plastic surfaces.

Static charges generated in plastics during or after the production process can be released at various points, leading to issues such as the following:

1- Discharging static electricity in the form of sparks increases the risk of explosions and electric shocks to workers.

2- Damaging surrounding electronic devices.

3- Creating noise and material non-acceptance during use.

4- Generating dust and dirt on the surface of plastic.

We'll produce your order

  • In widths ranging from 15 to 800 centimeters

  • Up to a length of 200 centimeters

  • In thicknesses ranging from 40 to 125 microns

  • With a minimum order of 500 kilograms


To Order, Pls Contact Us

  • Phone: +9821 - 8898 5288 (hrs: 8-17, Sat.-Wed)

  • WhatsApp: +98912 - 204 2389 (24/7)

  • Email:

  • Add: No. 13, Corner of the Fakouri St., Pravin Etesami St., Dr. Fatemi St., Tehran, Iran


Product category

  • Stretch

  • Garbage Bag

  • Freezer Bag

  • Aluminum Foil

  • Cellophane

  • HDPE Disposable Tablecloth

  • Paper Tablecloth

  • LDPE Disposable Tablecloth

  • HDPE

  • Gloves

  • LDPE