The manufacturing company, Nylon Sepid, is ready to engage in the export of various types of nylon, nylux, cellophane, various types of disposable sanitary tablecloths, simple and perforated, various types of roll and boxed freezer bags, various types of roll and perforated bin bags, aluminum foil, and food preservative wraps, shrink wrap, agricultural roll nylon, and metallized nylon to countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Armenia, and other neighboring countries.

Export of various types of nylex and handle-equipped nylon, export of various roll and simple trash bags, export of various adhesive freezer bags and simple freezer bags to countries such as Iraq, Pakistan, Georgia, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, and European countries. We manufacture and export various high-quality export tablecloths at export prices. We will deliver your orders in the quickest time possible. Central Office: No. 223, across from Mellat Bank, near Moulavi Square, Qiyam Square, Tehran. Factory: Abbas Abad Industrial City, Tehran.
Phone Number: 02133137999
Fax Number: 02133124164
Public Relations: 09122042389
Social Media: 09218455027 http://sepidco.ir [email protected]
Telegram Super Group Sepid Baspar – Sepid Nylon Manufacturing Company: https://t.me/joinchat/A-6XFz0t-abMJdBi9p9McA
Official Telegram Channel of Sepid Nylon Manufacturing Company: https://t.me/Nylonsepidco
Soroush Messaging App Channel: https://sapp.ir/sepidco.ir
We are honored to host you.
Nylon Sepid Manufacturing Company exports various types of nylon, nylux, cellophane, disposable sanitary tablecloths (plain and perforated), various types of roll and boxed freezer bags, various types of roll and perforated bin bags, aluminum foil, food preservative wraps, shrink wrap, agricultural roll nylon, and metallized nylon. The exports are directed to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Armenia, and European countries. The company also exports nylux and handle-equipped nylon, as well as various types of roll and simple trash bags, adhesive freezer bags, and simple freezer bags to Iraq, Pakistan, Georgia, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, and European countries.